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A Few Questions On Level-headed Products For

I’ve been a close part of the game for so long. It’s time for a new adventure. SN: What advice would you give the new commissioner? Burris: I know it’s tough for our commissioners because you have to adhere to the demands of the owners who hire the commissioner. I’ve told people this time and time again, nobody comes to see the Toronto Argonauts . Nobody comes to see Montreal. They come to see their favourite players on that team. We need to start to focus in on the players and how great these guys are and work together with our sponsors to work these guys into advertising so we can build repetitions of people seeing these guys, instead of wondering “Who are these guys?” Marketing is where it’s at and highlighting our most important asset which is the players on the field. In the NFL, they don’t want to go see the New York Giants , they want to see Odell Beckham. Let’s use the athletes to make the game bigger and better. SN: How has the league changed since you first entered it? Burris: There is no more four-and-a-half-hour rule .
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